Saturday, July 14, 2007

Good Poses For Profile

Where flies the Falcon

Angelo Peretti
Bordeaux, province of Mantua. It seems a heresy, a disgrace. How can we dare to approach the mother of the great red with the wretched of the earth Virgil Lambrusco? Apart from the fact ...
Apart from the fact that I, Bordeaux Claretian convinced, also like Lambrusco Mantua, and when they are well made, with their dark color and those tones of blackberry and cherry and overripe plum cotta, and the rough effervescence, and the creamy foam, well, 'I drink them willingly. And we do also bevr'in vin, Pour a little broth in the holster of the angels, and do not despise the color purple that one gets that tone and that if it gets sour. Apart from this, in Mantua is not only mica Lambrusco, no sir. That from the upper parts of the province, around Lake Garda, where you close the circle of hills moraine deposited by glaciers and who knows how many centuries ago, there are other vineyards. And they grow, and with good results, although the home Bordeaux: cabernet, merlot. What you read in Italian, as is the case for years et annorum: Cabernet, Merlot, a tone sharp. There
for example, on those hills, the parties to Monzambano, almost a stone's throw from the lake, a vineyard of cabernet sauvignon, which gives good fruit and intriguing wine. Known as "The Falcon and the Vineyard was planted in 1965 as an experiment, with the contribution of the Provincia di Mantova. In 1986, the pioneer of Cavalchina Custoza began making wine from those grapes.
I recently had the chance to try the bottles vertically, following the course of the years from almost the beginning, we started coll'87, and is so incredible to go back with the labels of the Lake Garda region. And this n'avrebbe already made a memorable tasting. But what is more me was amazed at the integrity and indeed the elegance of cert'annate. What really did - and forgive me the audacity - to think of Bordeaux wines, ohibò.
Oram tasting than I would like to account, but not before some warning. First, the name change ed'azienda. The 87 was released as a table wine under the trademark Cavalchina. 88 table wine was Alto Mincio, always Cavalchina, Alto Mincio in '90 yet, but under the name The Predina, the company founded by Piona Monzambano on purpose. Since '96 there's the doc: Become a Garda Cabernet Sauvignon. Until '97 s'imbottigliava glass of Bordeaux, the '98 has passed the bottle Burgundy, with a new label, and instead of the old naming of Falcone's Vineyard, the wine has got only nomarsi Falcone. This is to explain the differences in names that you will find below. The wine remains that, apart from name.
always add, is red that has aged in barrel: up to 87 six months, from 88 twelve. Always, too, added to cabernet has run a bit 'of merlot, "to give roundness," he told me Luciano Piona, adding that the cut is variable depending on the outcome of the year. "But to make a difference - Luciano followed - was the return of wine culture."
Add a note again: the Falcone said the good years, and how. This is a wine that has thus personality. And the price has certainly interesting: the private wine cellar in the consumer pays around 12 € and let me tell you - from v'accorgerete tabs below - are very, very well spent.
Now, the vertical, with the double vote, in cents, and into smilies.

Vineyard of the Falcon 1987 Color Cavalchina poor. Wine, alas, oxidative, although still retains a pile of acidity, which has somehow saved. A memory of licorice. You drink more.
70/100 - nothing Faccini

Alto Mincio Vineyard of the Falcon 1988 Color Cavalchina discharge. Green notes and mineral grains the nose. The mouth is not bad, not tannic. The fruit is a little 'decadent. The vein does not bother oxidation. It was rather long. Growing production expertise.
78/100 - a face :-)

Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Alto Mincio the Falcon 1990 The Prendina Oh, oh, the first surprise, the change of gear! It seems still young, this red '90. The color has been done, however, the denser of the two previous ones. The nose is back at first, vegetable, flower and grain here and besides balsamic memories. Plant and there is also the palate. And fruit and fine tannins.
86/100 - two happy :-) :-) Faccini

Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Alto Mincio the Falcon 1991 The Prendina He fights with 90 in terms of personality, but is more advanced later in maturation. Proposes animalistic nose veins and minerals. And fruit ripening. And spice. The mouth is in tune. Red slim, although the tannins seem a bit 'rough. In any case, fascinating for me.
85/100 - two smilies and nearly three :-) :-)

Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Alto Mincio the Falcon 1992 The Prendina Here the year did not help. The wine has a green nose. Underlying is the small berries (blackberries). The mouth is smooth: no depth.
74/100 - a face :-)

Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Alto Mincio the Falcon 1993 The Prendina difficult and almost earthy nose, at first, then pregnant with hints of cocoa and coffee. It has vague memories of geranium leaf. The mouth is almost aggressive tannins and a bit 'dry. This is a wine that knows how and when to evolve.
80/100 - almost two and a face :-)

Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Alto Mincio the Falcon 1994 The Prendina nose hard, mineral veins on the fruit. Mouth a little 'dry matter in tannin. Problems Seal ', probably.
in doubt, seal, no opinion, of course.

Cabernet Sauvignon Alto Mincio The Vineyard of the Falcon 1995 Prendina Wow! What a beautiful wine, boys, what a beautiful red. Youthful fruit on the nose. Very elegant. The mouth is fruity and fresh and calibrated in the round tannins. And there is considerable drinking, too. Juicy, satisfying. It is very Bordeaux. And he still have a long life ahead. So have bottles in the cellar!
90/100 - three Faccini happy :-) :-) :-)

Garda's Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 1996 The Falcone Prendina Okay, a little wine will also be a 'little more of the magnificent '95, but also I want to have some one of these bottles in my cellar. It's great, but for almost opposite to those of predecessor: it is fresh, crisp and has almost overripe fruit, spice it, drink it. Over time, emerging in the glass mint eucalyptus, fascinating.
86/100 - three Faccini happy :-) :-) :-)

Garda's Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 1997 The Falcone Prendina this '97 is still young. Green, so green. The nose and mouth. He then flavors of strong coffee, cocoa, overripe red fruit, spice. In the mouth there is lots and lots fruttone, soft and chewy. Matter galore. And velvety tannins. There are those who adores her by her fullness. The prefer a bit 'the two previous years, but that makes three of a kind worthy of applause.
89/100 - Two happy smilies and nearly three :-) :-)

Garda Falcone 1998 Cabernet Sauvignon The Prendina dense fruit, cocoa and spice nose. The mouth is the same tone. It looks hot. It has tannins well expressed. Maybe, here, you want more balance, which here takes precedence over the power to drink the previous vintages.
85/100 - two Faccini :-) :-)

Garda Falcone 1999 Cabernet Sauvignon The Prendina The English and Americans, when they describe the red Bordeaux wines are always indicate whether to drink or to keep: drink or hold, in the words of their language. In this case: hold, wait. What a wine is young and who knows when it is ready and wait. Matter, matter, matter. Fruit and tannin. Power. Beautiful bottle is uncorked a pity that now. Congratulations, anyway.
88-90/100 - too early for Faccini

Garda Falcone 2000 Cabernet Sauvignon The Prendina were two storms to affect the collection, in 2000, Monzambano. And the cabernet was helped with a little 'faded merlot. And thus was saved the vintage. The fix is \u200b\u200bheard: fruit jam, overripe. He balsamic veins. But it is a bit 'short.
78/100 - a face :-)

Garda Falcone 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon The Prendina remember the rains of 2002? Last year difficult. Notes of camphor smell. The mouth is well built, but tannins a bit 'rough squeezing the fruit.
78/100 - a face :-)

Garda Falcone 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon The Prendina Here, I take the history of drink or hold the British style. In this case, you drink: drink it right away, and plus you considerable satisfaction, which is wine bell'appagamento. He Caramellina fruit with blackberry jam and elderberry. Then, in the mouth, soft and round and velvet. A green streak that gives him momentum. Not bad for the heat of 2003.
88/100 - Two happy smilies and nearly three
:-) :-)
Garda Falcone 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon The Prendina Here let us what you want. You can bury it in the cellar and forget who knows how many years before drinking it, you opened at least once and enjoy it in its immediate fruit. Very good now, very good, probably, over the years. Squaring the circle. Juicy, youthful and fragrant. Pleasant. Elegant. Great.
90/100 - three Faccini happy :-) :-) :-)

Garda Falcone 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon The Prendina He's still stopping in the glass, resting. He has lots and lots of small fruit. Red and crispy. Looking good, very good. Of course, it should be expected and is soon to judge. But buy it just comes out is not at all a mistake ... I would say, indeed, wisdom.
88-90/100 - obviously early for Faccini


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