Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Called perseverance
18 September 2009 to Chiara Lubich
Source: City New

"By your perseverance save your souls "(Luke 21:19)

"Perseverance." This is the translation of the original Greek word, which, however, is rich in content: it also includes patience, endurance, strength and confidence.
Perseverance is necessary and indispensable when we suffer, when one is tempted when he is brought to despair, when one is lured by the attractions of the world, when you are persecuted.
I think you too will be found in at least one of these circumstances and has found that, without perseverance, you could lose. Sometimes maybe you have sold. Now maybe right now, you're immersed in some of these painful situations.
Well, what?
Pull yourself together, and ... perseveres.
Otherwise the name of "Christian" does not suit you.
You know: who wants to follow Christ must take up his cross daily, to love, at least with the will, the pain. The Christian vocation is a call to perseverance.
Paul, the Apostle, the community shows its persistence as a sign of Christian authenticity.
And not afraid to put it in terms of miracles.
If you love the cross and then you persevere you can follow Christ in Heaven and then save it.
"By your patience possess ye your souls."
There are two categories of people: those who feel the call to be true Christians, but this call falls in their souls like the seed on stony ground. Enthusiasm, similar to flash in the pan, and then there's nothing left.
The second instead accept the invitation, as a good soil receives the seed. And the Christian life germinates, grows, overcomes difficulties, resist the storms.
These have perseverance and ...
"By your patience possess ye your souls."
course, if you want to continue not just lean on your own strength alone.
We need God's help
Paul calls God "the God of perseverance."
is then you have to ask him and he will give you.
Because if you're a Christian you may not be enough to be baptized or the occasional practice of worship and charity. You will need grow as a Christian. And any growth in the spiritual, can not happen if not in the midst of trials, sorrows, the obstacles, the battles.
Someone really knows how to persevere: it is the one who loves. Love does not see obstacles, he sees problems, he sees sacrifices. And perseverance is the love felt. (...)
Mary is the woman of perseverance.
Pray to God that you light up the heart to love him, and perseverance, in all the difficulties of life, you will follow, and with it you will save your soul.
"By your patience possess ye your souls."
But there's more. Perseverance is contagious. Who is persevering also encourages others to get to the bottom. (...)
aim high. We have one life and also about this. Grit your teeth every day, we face one difficulty after another to follow Christ ... and save our souls.
Published entirely on New Town No 10/1979.


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