Wednesday, January 19, 2011

On Coneption Do You Discharge

The crests or shields were decorated with ancient symbols used as a hallmark of a family. And this an artistic phenomenon of very remote origin, which had enormous reach throughout Europe and in every country took forms and characteristics, while maintaining the same basic structure.
Brief History
already existing among the Romans, but the arms had their first big moment in the Middle Ages.
During the Crusades, in fact, the knights and nobles used to paint on their shields or on his surcoat, which covered the armor of ornamental figures for decoration. It was the task of heralds, ceremonies, messengers and organizers of tournaments and competitions, to design the coat of arms of families, then they compiled
"Armorial", a kind of register in which they gathered. The badges were produced burning of the tournaments, when each knight dressed himself, his horse and his followers with the colors of the emblem.
From the fifteenth century the use of arms was further spread: then appeared in the coats of arms representing the noble families, the municipalities, the Corporations of Arts and Crafts, and the Dioceses of 'religious brotherhoods, Nations and many other categories.
The shape of coats of arms and its evolution
Initially very simple and basic, the arms they became more complex and ornate.
At the end of the Middle Ages, around the thirteenth century., Appeared at the crest or ridge, that is a sign at the top of the helmet, decorated with flourishes, and smears of colored cloth that further the overall decorative effect. Since then this became a recurring motif.
Later, between the fifteenth and eleventh century, appeared to support, ie, two human figures or animals on the sides of the shield in place to support him, and the motto, which accompanied the emblem of the families of high nobility.
The description of the shield is called a coat of arms: it follows a very precise scientific rules and uses its own jargon.
The shield is always described by imagining shouldered, so the right side is to the left and vice versa, the fund, said the field is always described first, followed by the symbolic figures that constitute the subject, that piece.


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