Thursday, December 30, 2010

Quinine And Dichloromethane

HAPPY 2011! Snow in Mtb

best wishes for happy 2011
on my part ...
that 2011 brings us much happiness and more ...
Alex Vieri
ps: I always tiferò DUCATI!
Just change the number on the windshield ...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Army Mounthy Counseling

Pokemon Soul Silver Lagging Desmume


We are increasingly convinced that the supervision of the whole people of God (Church met) and less willingness to give and receive in the hands of the Body of Christ, are the attitudes minimum to prevent the recurrence of sacrilegious acts, as well as reinsegnare to respect and love the Holy Sacrifice of the Lord has entrusted to us.

Cortemaggiore (PC) The admonition of the priest

act of sacrilege in the church: in ground consecrated hosts
case that may provide for excommunication

Cortemaggiore - A serious act of sacrilege has been strongly denounced by the priest of Cortemaggiore, Monsignor Luigi Ghidoni, Sunday homily yesterday. Monsignor Ghidoni said that twice in as many episodes have been found in the ground, among the pews of the church, two consecrated hosts, and he recalled, referring to the doctrine of Church, who made the deliberate acts or contempt for the Eucharist form a sacrilege. The Code of Canon Law, then, identifies specific cases in which the sacrilegious acts are to be considered real crimes that involve the excommunication latae sententiae , ie, automatically, the absolution of which is reserved to the Holy See. Ghidoni Bishop added that it will be necessary to intervene in cases where the recurrence of similar incidents in the first place from the spiritual standpoint, with remedial actions. But even the use of behaviors that can prevent such things as that the faithful may receive communion only in the mouth and prevent the distribution of particles on the consecrated hand, recommended size to avoid the danger of desecration by an instruction of the Congregation for Divine Worship issued in 2004. The pastor, concluding his homily, he drew again the important Vatican statement to remember that when you receive Communion in the hand, the host must be taken immediately, before the priest, so no one goes away carrying with him. The attention of Archbishop urges Ghidoni and his collaborators has enabled early detection of these serious behaviors, trying to push them to deplorable acts in isolation.
Leonardo Tomasetti
newspaper Freedom From Piacenza - 20/12/2010

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Templar Symbols
The famous Templar seal on which you are spending so many words is the faith of the Poor Knights of Christ.

symbol simply indicates the fraternity: fraternal ties that lives, as well as the Rule indicates, in Christo.
"Teacher what must I do ...?»
CCC 2052 "Teacher, what good must I do to inherit eternal life? '. To the young man who asked this question ... Jesus answers first by invoking the need to recognize God as "the only good," as the Good ... for excellence and as the source of all good. Then Jesus said to him: "If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." It lists out to him the commandments that concern love of neighbor: "Thou shalt not kill, Do not commit adultery, steal, bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother." Finally Jesus sums up these commandments in a positive formulation: "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mt 19.16 to 19).

CCC 2055 When you ask the question: "What is the greatest commandment in the Law? "(Mt 22.36), Jesus replied," You shall love the Lord your God with all thy heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets "(Matthew 22:37-40) .5 The Decalogue must be interpreted in light of this dual and single commandment of love, the fullness of the Law:

" The commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery , not kill, Thou shalt not steal, not covet, and any other commandment, can be summarized in these words: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no wrong to a neighbor fulfilling of the law is love "(Rom 13.9 to 10).

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This is the Rule of the Templars:

"Who wants to be first among you must be slave of all" (Mc 10.43).
who does not comply, or does not intend to renew in this Rule is not one of us! Non nobis Domine


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ikusa Otome Watch Free

Knoppix Detect Mac Drive

Posters of the Congregation

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Golden Crunches Candy


The snow has arrived at last from me!
Taking advantage of a beautiful sunny day and respite to bad weather, we found this morning at the bar of the country with our bike and we decided to go to "deflower" in the snow at altitude of 1000m to the pitch consumes.
not having none of us brought a camera, we had to make do with my phone, a Nokia 70euro ...
X where the quality of the shot is not the best, but it makes it a good idea!
abundant 50cm of snow on the ground, and very difficult to pedal, so much so that some sections there they are changed to walk, pushing our horse of iron and carbon ...
But the view and the view of the snowy landscape, we paid off all our hard work!
the prox ...
Alex Vieri

Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Make Age Of Empires 1 Run Without A Cd

Metamorphosis ...

Here's my bike, turned after 2 weeks of work ...
I removed all the components of my "Molothoff" and I GIANT Full frame Replacing this mod. ANTHEM
The result I leave you to judge!

Monday, November 15, 2010

How Long Until A Brazilian Starts To Grow Back

Hello "MOLOTHOFF ...

Sunday, November 14 after a ride in the woods of my shares, ended the adventure of my
Son were two years and a half beautiful ...
I still remember the first ride in the saddle to her and took the first shock came to the curve of the bridge of the river Vicano above my house off the downhill, the brakes do not stop!
Or better braking, but I was still accustomed to the V-brake!
And then rides in the Alps with David Cuneo, in the snow in the mountains outside my house, the long days to make cycling ...
Yesterday, the last 50km!
From tomorrow starts the "transplant" from her mechanical engineering, another "body" ...
A long and Carthusian x to restore
a new look ...
you soon!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wrapped Veins Testical

Welcome back "FAGIO ...

victim of a car accident last July
has awakened!
Faith ... now you get on top of this long and ending up ...
Knowing you, you never swore or abused to it, but you gave respect, as you always have to you have climbed the slopes hard with your road bike ...
With the grit that marks you forever!
Now begins a long stretch of plain, sometimes eat and drink before the downhill and the red triangle ... the last kilometer
gregarious friends at your side you will pull the wheel ... you
Sull'Ammiraglia a beautiful girl that was always by your side, you made me, screamed, attended ...
So that you never give up!
We will all be there, under the banner of the Target waiting for!
Alex Vieri

Monday, September 27, 2010

Nerf Birthday Cakehow To Make


Hello ...
published in a previous post on this blog, I had talked about my
(Click on x Read more ...)
My 4 readers have already reconnected the thing ...
Well, the "crazy idea" about a month or so, x travels the streets and countryside of the Val di Sieve!

Here it is: the BI - BIKE !

course could not miss some "personalization" on the frame ...

The raids are started!
X now we're still in the process of discovery, that we automatically find the maximum torque x pedaling in sync with no waste of energy ...
Our outputs x is now restricted to limited mileage to 45 - 50km x output and on the road almost all flat, with only some "eat and drink, "but soon we'll try the half on a real climb, the type
(Click on x Read more ...)
the prox !
Alex Vieri

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Best Brand Of Carburetor Cleaner

Sella Ronda Bike Day 2010 Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pordoi, Sella, Gardena
... And then Corvara, Canazei, Selva ...
Dolomites Passes are names and places often mentioned in the chronicles of cycling ...
big climbs that have shaped the history of the sport ...
Nell 'collective imagination of our fans, who never dreamed of ride on these mythical streets ...? Maybe
clear of car ...? But let's degrees x

January 2010

With normal mail, I get home in the magazine attached to members UISP League Cycling

The sheet as I do with the others, but now I am jumping on a page heart pounding!

was advertising

Sella Ronda Bike Day 2010

( )

I feel with Antonio ...
"What do you say?"
He said, "It would be as strong as what! We try to involve others ... "And so I move
, sending emails, making phone calls, etc. ...
can be born a beautiful thing, maybe even bringing up families, classmates ... The
What goes on x months, including some appearances, and giving up the last minute ... We look
3: I, Anthony and Laura ... Better
few but good!
The "Great Day" approaching!
load a bike on my Yaris e. ..
Our departure of Sella Ronda is
We have found a place to sleep, through a friend, a beautiful hotel on the main road ...
Overnight, dinner, breakfast, e. .. Last but not least: The shower in the afternoon!
After our hard work on the pedals ...
the morning at the start there is a brisk air ...
does not excessively cold, but 10 Degrees had been so long since I heard them ...
But despite this, after just 8 turns of the Passo Sella, are already in short sleeves!
first step of the day, and reached a maximum altitude of the tour:
"Cima Coppi"
(Mt 2244)
has won!
On the climb to Passo Gardena
(Mt 2134)
meet participants departed from
in Val Gardena
And the spectacle of snake of cyclists who pedal down and addresses the Verco
is rewarding!
Face, with still a lot of energy and enthusiasm on the
Passo Campolongo
(Mt 1875)
The day is wonderful!
The magnificent setting!
people's enthusiasm carries you up, up, up ...
From the top of the 'last step of the day,
(Mt 2239)
the river of people is awesome!
Where you turn you turn, you see people on the pedals!
Children, women, elderly people ...
All moves from our usual spring:
The desire to be there!!

And you can also pleasant encounters ... How
This boy, who seeing the tattoo, the saddle on the bike, the adhesive
wanted to share 4 gossip with me! An honor
up there on those peaks that he was the protagonist ...
From here to
where we will have a nice shower, now it's all downhill ...
A wonderful experience, definitely worth repeating ... The
July 3, 2011

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How To Do Electric Box Level 19

Of note this wonderful initiative organized by
( )

three starts, the "French "....
I started from DICOMANO (Fi)
First ascent of the route: Passo della Colla

(source: )

Descent to MARRADI and second bumps the day
Eremo Pass
(the graph should be viewed from right to left ...)
brief descent and ascent of 2 km to

the country
last journey to
Muraglione Pass
and fall back to the country of departure
for a total of 100km and a gradient of about 1900 Mt
trails in 4 hours and 30 minutes , the average 23km / h ...
(surely be repeated next year!)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Program Proposal For Tv Show

Crazy Idea ...

About a week ago, a crazy idea has enlightened me ...
I wanted to share with my better half, the beauty of the bike, his wandering, feeling free ...
then I start now looking for a
That idea eh?
Cycling in sync together on the same half! Contact
a possible seller, and after a lot of insights into the half
(it was a tandem bike ...)
tells me that the distance between two wheels than 2 meters and 40cm!
For the uninitiated, the wheelbase is the distance that exists between the two hubs of the wheels, a sort of virtual length of the vehicle ...
Then there are the first doubts: how to transport any x the long trips? Needless
it in the garage if he can not move beyond a radius of 50 - 100km from my house!
trial and error after taking off bicycle onto the roof of my car, but in vain!
The length is too excessive, and leans over 1 meter and a half out of the ideal line on the rear of the car!
With great difficulty and danger in transporting it!
But I do not do to win ...
So wandering on the Web, are at the crossroad
"mysterious object" ...


I immediately got in touch with the builders of the middle ... The idea appeals to me so much! The Bi-Cycle is slightly longer than the normal bike, and easier to carry on the roof of the car ... In addition, being more compact, easier to drive! I just sent an email the manufacturer, whether x performs courier ...

cooming soon in my garage!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mount And Blade Damocles Quest Bug

really mad this time ...

Saturday, April 10
What a great time!
Outside there is beautiful sunshine and perfect temperature x a nice ride in a bike!
A "sgambatina" in view of the United Fund of tomorrow ... (I think) I'm leaving around 12
from my house ...
I would go around the Mugello, a loop trail of about 65km with a climb of 7km easy ...
Along the way, meeting the coaches that I played Antonio!
The greeting ...
And, coincidentally, we pass the first 100 meters of the intersection of the road that leads to
I decide to turn right and climb up on top ...
The day is beautiful ... The high temperature x
spring a beautiful climb like this ...
reached the summit in 55 minutes!
(source: )
not having with my little digital, I decided to take a picture with the phone, then to show Antonio ...
am on top of the crossing point, at km 18 +300!
(Sorry the picture quality, but with a cell phone from 59Euri, who wants more?)
I refreshed a couple of candy, fruit and throw me down towards the road back home ...
In the evening I'm enjoying the beautiful sunset from the window of my room!
As the saying goes:
"Red sky at night, good weather I hope!"
Morning After:
Sunday, April 11
Brrrrrrrr that cold!
Antonio Telephone:
"Oh, but who is there" Owl "always two of us?"
Oh well, we got up, x see you have a coffee and watch the departure of the brave GF
Then we say goodbye ...
The photo up there, I made it Sunday afternoon, along the edge of the crossing point, more or less at the usual time on Saturday ...
Since the difference?
temperature of 2 degrees and SNOW !!!!!!
really mad this time ...
the prox!
Alex Vieri

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Women Showing Everything


Exactly one year ago, March 29, 2009, was missing a dear friend Claudio Cecchini
big fan of mountain biking and cycling in general, and died just as he was riding in his "horse" to 2 wheels, and while doing the thing he liked more ...
And remember this great loss, the Chamber of the Italian Alpine Club of
Pontassieve (Fi)
has included in its program a cycle ride ...
The choice fell on the "Path of Reclamation"
entirely dirt path, which combines Arezzo, Chiusi, moving parallel to the master channel of the Val Di Chiana, built in the early 1900, boniuficare this big area, about 70km long ...
The first thing you notice immediately the eyes are the many signs and tables along the route, serving as illustrated guide on the various points of interest, and facilities for cyclists many escape routes to railway stations and the countries close ...

The day was not clear, but the dark clouds on the horizon are served especially to us "photographers" Quelch to achieve particular lighting effect ...
Otherwise, the temperature was ideal for a nice ride!
As I said before, along the path, there are also tables of miles, kilometers or draws attention to the exact point where we are!
and start from ZERO km, which is set to Chiusi (AR), to grow in the direction of Arezzo ...
The track entirely flat, has undergone a change, not wanted by us ...
In fact, the rain of previous days had flooded the 2 km stretch that connects the Lake to Lake Chiusi Montepulciano!
So we "pedal" We had to divert around the 10km path, also sipping a nice 3 km climb!
But to remind a friend ...
At Next!
Alex Vieri