Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Lagging Desmume


We are increasingly convinced that the supervision of the whole people of God (Church met) and less willingness to give and receive in the hands of the Body of Christ, are the attitudes minimum to prevent the recurrence of sacrilegious acts, as well as reinsegnare to respect and love the Holy Sacrifice of the Lord has entrusted to us.

Cortemaggiore (PC) The admonition of the priest

act of sacrilege in the church: in ground consecrated hosts
case that may provide for excommunication

Cortemaggiore - A serious act of sacrilege has been strongly denounced by the priest of Cortemaggiore, Monsignor Luigi Ghidoni, Sunday homily yesterday. Monsignor Ghidoni said that twice in as many episodes have been found in the ground, among the pews of the church, two consecrated hosts, and he recalled, referring to the doctrine of Church, who made the deliberate acts or contempt for the Eucharist form a sacrilege. The Code of Canon Law, then, identifies specific cases in which the sacrilegious acts are to be considered real crimes that involve the excommunication latae sententiae , ie, automatically, the absolution of which is reserved to the Holy See. Ghidoni Bishop added that it will be necessary to intervene in cases where the recurrence of similar incidents in the first place from the spiritual standpoint, with remedial actions. But even the use of behaviors that can prevent such things as that the faithful may receive communion only in the mouth and prevent the distribution of particles on the consecrated hand, recommended size to avoid the danger of desecration by an instruction of the Congregation for Divine Worship issued in 2004. The pastor, concluding his homily, he drew again the important Vatican statement to remember that when you receive Communion in the hand, the host must be taken immediately, before the priest, so no one goes away carrying with him. The attention of Archbishop urges Ghidoni and his collaborators has enabled early detection of these serious behaviors, trying to push them to deplorable acts in isolation.
Leonardo Tomasetti
newspaper Freedom From Piacenza - 20/12/2010


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