Thursday, March 3, 2011

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The Devil Is there

Sacred Scripture clearly alerts.

The S. Scripture does not hesitate to make life as a struggle, a real war against the demons.

ordinary and extraordinary evil:

There is no clear border between the ordinary share (temptation) and extraordinary (evil evil, possessions ...) of the devil. We are all victims of the ordinary! The Bible considers a blissful victory against temptation (James 1:12). The demonic temptations affect us daily, and all alike, not least given the same opportunities that the world we live in presents us. Jesus agreed to be subjected to temptation during the 40 days spent in the desert. How can you resist? "Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation" (Mt 26:41). As for extraordinary action of Satan, by this means the work of the devil which manifests itself with visible or audible effects: external noise, demonic possession, demonic oppression, obsession and demonic infestations diabolical. Analyze them briefly:
1) external disturbances : are those physical suffering such as we find that with some frequency in the lives of certain saints such as St. Gemma Galgani; we speak of beatings, beatings, falling objects ... etc. ... In these cases, in practice, the devil acts remain outside the person.
2) demonic possession : This is certainly the most grave in which to complete the extraordinary action of the devil. It involves the continuous presence of the devil in a human body, although the manifestation of evil itself limited to certain times of "crisis." In this case it is said that the disturbances caused by the possession be continuous: in fact owned only loses control of himself during what might be called the "crisis" by possession, in which the evil (the devil) acts through the full control of the body, mental capacity, mental and emotional, and volitional of the possessed person. The manifestations of this may be the most disparate: the possessed can speaking in tongues unknown to him, can speak to the contrary, may refer the mouth unthinkable objects inside the human body, can manifest disproportionate force, an aversion to the sacred ... and so on ...
3) Harassment diabolical : the n this case, there are occasional forms of disorders that can affect an individual or entire groups of people. The types of disorders are the most varied, ranging from mood disorders (sudden and unexplained anger ..) to those of the emotions, in relationships with others, or, sometimes, health ...
4) diabolical obsessions: In this case it has to do with obsessive thoughts. The victim is haunted by recurring thoughts and also absurd for which it is able to free himself: all this results in a constant state of depression, which can also lead to the temptation of suicide. Unlike possession will remain free, despite being a slave to obsessive thoughts.
5) diabolical infestations : Here we enter into the discourse of evil evil man and things or even animals.
6) Awe diabolical : referring to the book by Father G. Amorth "New Tales of an exorcist," reported the category of evil subjections: this term is meant in the case where a person is subject to the power of the devil in a voluntary manner, with an explicit or implicit condition , submitting to the lordship of the same. In possession extraordinary therefore, we can say that given all those people who are actually physically possessed by the devil: either by choice or due invoices or consecration to the devil, for example, by parents belonging to satanic sects ...
Finally, though, one wonders how they can be victims of extraordinary evil evil?
The reasons can be manifold. Come to order. a) We first have to specify that nothing can happen unless God wants it: therefore, that the devil on a person to exercise his extraordinary action, God must allow it. The reason, then, for which God can This allows us not given to know, and we need to know that whatever God does or allows, however, is for our sanctification, God is the only one capable of even starting to bring good from evil.
Sometimes, just to give an example, God could allow the devil on a person to exercise his extraordinary action, in order to sublimate or to temper the soul in the virtues ... is the case of many saints who, like Padre Pio, were "troubled" by the devil in a way that certainly was much more than ordinary. So in this case we speak of the devil action groped a person intent on Santa to make her give up the ways of God: course is a rare instance.
b) A "classical" way of being victims of the frequent and extraordinary evil is a result of a curse. The victim of course is not to blame, someone wants to harm through the intervention of the devil. This may be an invoice, evil eye, curse, binding ....
c) Of course, then, persist in a situation of grave sins in which a person may harden irreversibly is certainly a good assumption because the evil can take root in our soul and our body in a strong way, by action, in fact, extraordinary. As noted in an interview Father Amorth, this could be the case of Judas Iscariot who knows how many attempts must have made Jesus so that he could overcome his greed for money. Again this is an extraordinary action of the devil very rare to find.
d) Finally, the frequency of evil people and places: for example by participating in séances or magic or consulting sessions magicians and their fellows, or participating in satanic sects .... Well, it is clear that it is a way to voluntarily open the doors of his soul to Satan.


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