Saturday, February 19, 2011

Body Sugaring In Charlotte Nc

"Going against the in defense of life"

"Justice must be among the health agenda of governments and international institutions. Unfortunately, alongside positive and encouraging results, there are reviews and lines of thought that the wound: I am referring to issues such as those related to the so-called 'reproductive health', with the use of artificial breeding techniques involving embryo destruction, or euthanasia legalized " He wrote the Pope in his message to the President of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, at the opening this morning of the XXV International Conference on human health and equitable in light of the Caritas in veritate. "The love of justice, the protection of life from conception to natural death, respect for the dignity of every human being should be sustained and witnessed, even against the tide: the core ethical values \u200b\u200bare the common heritage of universal morality and the basis of democratic coexistence, "said Benedict XVI, noting that" we need the combined efforts of everyone, but we must also and above all a profound conversion of the interior gaze. Only if you look at the world through the eyes of the Creator, who is looking for love, humanity will learn to live on earth in peace and justice, with fairness by allocating the land and its resources for the good of every man and every woman ".

" In our time - the Pope has always written - there is one part to attention the health risks turning into drug consumption, medical and surgical treatment, becoming almost a cult for the body, and on the other hand, the difficulty of millions of people access to livelihoods and minimal essential medicines for treatment. "Benedict XVI stresses that "even in the field of health, an integral part of one's existence and the common good, it is important to establish a just distribution, to assure all on the basis of objective needs, appropriate care. Therefore, - he continues - the world of health may not evade the moral rules that should govern not to become inhuman. "The Pope also called for in health is to adopt a" model of development based on the centrality of human on the promotion and sharing of the common good, accountability, awareness of the need to change lifestyles and prudence, a virtue that specifies those pieces to be done today in anticipation of what can happen domani".

18 novembre 2010


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