Saturday, December 1, 2007

Bike Bras Milena Velba Dvd

Balance and the crystal and wine

Angelo Peretti
Balance, balance, balance. That's what I want in a wine. Along with the fine, but they have to think of it, accordingly. And I am so glad that this is the magic word is repeated again and again at the conference sponsored by the Verona Angiolino Maule - read Gambellara to biodynamic production, ie the Biancara - with its association VinNatur. Oh, yes I am happy that I have the utmost respect for Steiner's theories on the biological and natural and what you want, but also - and allow that - For those who seriously conventional agriculture, provided, however, that the wine comes out of it, whatever the practical background, as well as those who remember with pleasure, excitement and because it has given you something important, ' only tell thee. And the story unfolds precisely when there is, on balance.
Now, however, that the balance of a wine you seek is not already - not only - in the basement, but especially in the first place by the balance of the vineyard and the earth that is the guardian and mother, perhaps, what I seem meritorious. And effective. Therefore, they are welcome and the theory of empiricism and biodynamic vigneron who s'autodefiniscono natural and authentic. Provided - of course - who are the genuine enthusiasm and commitment, and we do not stop to put the organic label for marketing to cheap, which is no longer speculative bubble, and it is worth remembering not even the boom years so remote internett, when it was enough to put an e before the name of a company - and make it just an e-something - because the title splash on the stock exchange, only to end up with a handful of flies soon . It is this: do not make the mistake, that does not work (more).
Given all this, n'ho found a lot of enthusiasm among the followers and colleagues and teachers of Angie. And maybe in some one of them a little bit of radicalism, if not sectarianism, but they are sins of youth. Nevertheless I seem to have understood that the phase of infatuation is fading to make way for a positive and healthy realism that leads to hope. And most of all I liked in this, Christian Marcel, who practices the crystallization-sensitive, and has held a report saying that is just fascinating. And the main character, this Marcel, rigorous and transparent person seemed to me and not at all intended to help them trade. So much so that he repeated that they were - his - of a research tool, and not yet of an exact science. Which shows or may show, however, things beyond the conventional analysis.
The emphasis is this: the scientific approach brings physical-chemical analysis, which explains a lot, but not all. The unexplained can be interpreted in an anthroposophic and crystallization is sensitive in this area. Which is perhaps subjective. But it offers an advantage which would be absurd to pass over in silence simply because mainstream science has not really yet fully occupied and therefore neancora issued - or wanted to deliver - their own opinion. In short: everything is explained and not explained by mainstream science, and even with anthroposophy, thank goodness, and is therefore still a long way to go, but the method is now long experienced, and therefore supports and complements - for those who want to - scientific analysis.
Now, it must be said that this methodology is sensitive crystallization born about seventy years ago on the basis of suggestions by Rudolf Steiner, biodynamic of thought is the father. The whole thing works - in a nutshell - this way: on a glass disc, the copper chloride is added to an extract of organic matter or mineral. The interaction between copper, which is the tenant, and the electromagnetic charge of the molecules in solution causes the formation, on diskette, figures in the form of crystals, geometric images capable in some way expresses the forces of matter. The problem is to give correct interpretation of those crystals. But if that fails, here is that if they draw much useful information on the health of the place or plant or wine, the risk of disease in the vineyard, the dynamics of the terroir, the correctness of the grafts, the blend of happiness, the ability of ' aging. Having said this may seem unrealistic, but evidence and findings would lead to say that it works, going to give possible explanations, plausible, whereas the conventional analysis does not reach, and thus supporting and enriching. Not m'addentrerò over the issue (those who want to learn more go to the site ).
Now, I pause for a moment instead of a sentence that said Pierre Paillard, who led the work of the conference: "What is important - he said - is the reality. If the theory is not able to explain the facts is the theory that needs to be changed, because the facts are. " After all, the way it has always towards knowledge-based observations of this kind. So on with the experiments. And with the natural and biodynamic. Cum granu salis, but I do not believe the millenarianisms and sectarian hate. And I try to take what's good for everybody. It may appear
abritrario say that chemistry is the die land and destroys the terroir - and it is indeed possible and probably true - but at the same time, however, applaud the methods that terroir revising it. Which is nothing if not a change the terroir, the method described at the conference - acclaimed in fact - that through the extension of a copper wire buried around the vineyard favors, impacting on electromagnetic fields, the flow of water excess? It is true that with this procedure on the vineyard is more healthy and more balanced and even integrates into the vegetation and fruiting. True even though - I think - that the correlation between vine and soil and climate is artificially changed, so where is the strict respect of the terroir? So I think, and I can be wrong, of course.
I hope, however, that people can be on the eve of a new humanism, as noted by Pierre Paillard. And you can have a renewed relationship with life and with nature. And everyone can do his "global change - Paillard's words - it is not possible. We must change that each individual in its own sphere. " I agree. But even claim that their change is necessarily the only, and is the only correct.
In any case, it is true are the facts that remain. And the facts tell me that in recent years I have been drinking wine is biodynamic fascinating that in the conventional technique. But also that the biodynamic quand'incontri well done, then the wine glass you scream. And what do you n'accorgi tasting, not the label. And this personality and richness and balance that we find you fans think about (and enjoy). And here we are back at equilibrium. That first wine to be found in the vineyard and in the ground. Epper even before the vine and the earth, I believe, the mind and heart.
last thing, to play down, for I perceive of having been serious. A vote at the conference: for high participation, high for content, up to the speakers, very low and insufficient to break, because you can not hear of wine for two days and find only mineral water and orange juice carton . In short, a drop of the bio-wine while I drank ... Okay, I'm done again, then home.


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