Saturday, September 8, 2007

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Soave that make me happy Faccini

Angelo Peretti
Sometimes t'incastrano. If you write in the newspapers, which happens to call you to make the moderator at conferences, debates and panel discussions. Often you can dodge, sometimes not. And almost always you are not moderate anything, but at most to act as a timer to the speakers, which are mica always faithful to the times that are assigned. In short, you feel a kind of ornament, and that's it, that he opens his mouth only to give and take away the word to others. It happens, and it is not one that we feel gratified.
The last time happened to me in time to the moderator to Soave Versus, the annual review of the Consortium Soave dedication to the protection of the white denomination. And I must say that it was not even that hard, because whoever did it had to intervene substantially in the time set, and so the conference - too long, like all conventions, but through no fault of those who had to speak - is almost finished scheduled time: just six minutes of slippage are a kind of record, especially considering that you started with the usual quarter of an hour late.
Now, it was a shame not being able to deepen the last speech, that of Stefano Raimondi, head of the line 'Drink wine and spirits "of ICE, the Institute for Foreign Trade. Because of number of slides he had prepared on the PC has not presented that a limited number, and inside you read data that was probably the case for more details. Sales data and commercial positioning of white wines from Veneto in the global market.
I'll try to summarize briefly some of the trends shown, and are grateful to Raymond of left me a printout of his slides.
First: the gap between exports and Italian reds and whites is narrowing. But at the same time to wines for years are substantially the same volume of sales abroad, as they grow, and quite a bit, table wines. In short: you export wine is cheap. And this observation is even more for whites in the Veneto region, which is the first exporting region: average prices are € 1.92 share, compared with a value of 2.55 euro for the Italian average. And if you want to get hurt with any other comments, well, 'a little bit worried to see that almost 80 per cent of exports Veneto wine is concentrated in four countries: Germany (with 41 per cent), the kingdom Kingdom (19 and passes), the United States (with 8 percent, which is as good, poor wretch, but when you consider the size of the market in stars & stripes) and Canada (and there are at 7 and more). Come fifth Japan, which is almost 6 per cent. People will say: Yes, but markets are Florida, and Germany is well-placed business partner. Sure, but the Germans pay very little our wine sales were concentrated there and does not give great added value. Better would be to convince the Americans, but what we already think of the Tuscans, who have in North America their prevailing market outlet, which far exceed the revenue for sales that make the whole of Europe. And you can meditate.
And the source is authoritative. The Ice s'occcupa promotion of Made in Italy on international markets. And has, in the wine industry, long tradition. Raimondi's office supports the presence of companies on international markets, fairs, workshops, communication, actions at the point of sale, training for foreign operators. Besides monitoring the markets, through the analysis of flows statistics (volume, value, type, source, destination etc.). Mica very little.
That said, I know that someone who reads between the quest'InternetGourmet has already come the headaches, so maybe the best wine. In some sense describe the wine of Soave. And as though I have not had the opportunity to taste all the time & Soave Versus (and indeed I am limited to keyboards here and there to try new things or to have some confirmation), I like last year and I take notes Tasting soavisti last couple of months, and I use those, taking into account other companies to Versus were not there. In mixture, then. And they are a dozen Soave (so far) I am so pleased. To the extent that it is ten in check, office, my three Faccini revelers.
Soave Classico Monte Fiorentine Ca 2006 Rugate Et voila, another year and another great Florentine in bloom. A white man who has a trademark, with her beautiful yellow fruit clean, crisp, juicy. That satisfying drink. That slenderness. And those subtle hints of minerality. And that hint of walnut on the bottom. Three Faccini
happy :-) :-) :-)
Soave Classico Cantina del Castello 2006 Presson Presson The m'รจ liked it a lot in past years, 2006 and this confirmed me, if proof were needed, the beauty of this cru soavista. Nose was extremely citrina footprint. It is also the citrus mouth. And fresh. And veins of pineapple fruit and nettle and white. Three Faccini
happy :-) :-) :-)
Soave Classico Ca 'Visco 2006 Coffele Be', what about the Ca Visco that I have not said before? It is a great wine. With all that yellow fruit on the nose. And that fruitful dense flesh that invades the palate. And that roughness of sandpaper rasp that gives you the language. And those plants that cool veins. And so long. And elegant. Three happy
Faccini :-) :-) :-)
Soave Classico Superiore Contrada Salvarenza Vecchie Vigne 2005 Gini There is a flowery meadow that opens in the glass when the smell Salvarenza 2006. It gives you flowers on the palate. And there's more in freshness and minerality in beautiful relief, and motioned grass officinale. The finish is dry, almost tannic, which I like to find in a Soave important. Three Faccini
happy :-) :-) :-)
Soave Classico Superiore Monte Sella, 2005 Mandola not remember if I've ever written before a wine Mandola. Yet remember that their Monte Sella desire I had already liked the 2004 and I have a lot more enjoyed in the 2005 version, with all that's ripe yellow fruit and ripe citrus and the spice that vein intriguing. Three Faccini
happy :-) :-) :-)
Monte Tondo Soave Classico 2006 Montetondo fruits and flowers. Yellow. There are so many of both the nose and mouth, at the Monte Tondo in 2006. And it has much flesh, so much. Epper also nice freshness that makes it juicy, salty and satisfying to drink. A great wine that I liked drinking it a few times already here in July. Three Faccini
happy :-) :-) :-)
Calvarino Soave Classico 2005 Soave Pieropan A Versus the Pieropan Nino does not expose. E Okay, but the Calvarino, drunk in July, is also memorable in the 2005 edition. With his power that is character and that power and the fatness of the fruit and nettle that vein and that memory of those nuances of tropical fruit and dried fruit. Three Faccini
happy :-) :-) :-)
2005 Pra Soave Classico Staforte Last year, when I went down to the head of Staforte, the new Graziano Pra Soave, there were those who said I a prognosis, and indeed even wrote. Okay, now say what you want, but I like the 2005, and so much. With that beautiful fruit and juicy. And that tension to drink. And the flowers macerated. Three Faccini
happy :-) :-) :-)
Soave Classico Monte Carbonare 2006 Suavia Now, the club of great Soave, Tessari sisters if they are earning a place for some time, and coal is a confirmation of '06. There is floral nose (and which is added to the dried flower of grass) and the mouth between the citrus and salt. And softness that pampers you and also with power drink. Three Faccini
happy :-) :-) :-)
Soave Classico Le Bine of Costiola 2006 Tamellini M'era strapiaciuto 2004. In July, I loved the 2005. Now that Gary made me Tamellini trialling in 2006 (only two months in the bottle), I can say that is one of the most intriguing white that it took me to drink in recent years (and I've drunk, whites). Large and complex. Three Faccini
happy :-) :-) :-)


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