Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stone Problem In Urine Velb


Alex Vieri

wishes to all the people on the Web ..
friends ...
to visitors of my blog ...
Merry Christmas

and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Car Toys For Backseat Drivers

Skiing, what a passion!

Snow fell on the slopes this winter and promises to be really SUPER!
But a year after being stopped forget to PASS THE DESK TO TRACK NOW!
12 months of sedentary life feel, then we need a proper physical preparation.
My advice therefore is to practice a bit of running, gymnastics, maybe going to the gym where they attend some courses dedicated to Pre-resort, to awaken the muscles, especially the legs.
I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the snow a little at a time without exaggerate the speed, and maybe the first few days prefer the tracks easier!
A focus we also want the choice and maintenance of equipment (ski, snowboard ...)
If you prefer to buy the equipment rather than rent it (now the stores are sporting promotion of good about it ...), remember that you must be YOU to worry about the preparation of the equipment: for example, noted that the blades should be sharpened at least once a week, and in the presence of ice, all day!
Remember also that if you have children, for them, there is an obligatory helmet, up to age 14 years !


x 10 good rules a day without "problems" ...

1) Ski in a responsible manner, avoiding dangerous pranks such as the classic dash of snow that is holding back a few inches from his companion often under the ice and snow there is the possibility of injury is high!

2) Set the speed according to your ability and the "traffic" on the track! Greater precaution when we are near the ski lifts! Eye when it's foggy or windy loud SULL'ACCELLERATORE DO NOT PRESS!

3) It is up to those coming from the right on the slopes, unless there are specific reports. Who is ahead must choose the path based on the position of those downstream.

4) If you are a fan, like me, off-piste, NOT GO NEVER ALONE! And above all, a look at the weather before venturing out in the paths "wild" ...

5) If you overtake someone, you can do both right and left: the important thing is to maintain safe distance!

6) DO NOT ever stop talking to the middle of the fairway with his friend, especially in areas with poor visibility. The stop is made at the edge of the track covered in snow ...

7) If you need to go back on the path to walk, do so only on the margins of the track! Always careful not to become a burden to go down!

8) RESPECTED always the signs on the slopes! If you do not know the meaning, I suggest the following website: to the "Sports"

9) If we are on track emergency vehicles , or "snow cats" for maintenance, remember that they take precedence: then they should be left go!

10) When one falls and gets hurt, stop and render assistance, and reported his presence to the other skiers! And maybe you remember to take the identity of those who caused the accident!


Alex Vieri