Friday, June 26, 2009

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Idioms and words of the word Fiorentino ... Photo

Continue my collection of
mode of my daily vocabulary and language: The Florentine dialect
Happy reading!
REALLY : Actually, that's right, yeah. "What do you say real or joking?" You say you really or are you kidding?
DEGENERATION : Confusion excessive. Although "Slaughterhouse"
DIAC : Accommodations. 'Go, deacon, "Go to bed
ABOVE: A little while ago. 'Son' came out just now, "I went out just now
DINDO : Money, used mostly by children
DIÒSPERO : Pomo, shit
DITI : Plural of Dito, instead of fingers. I actually have Diti a type of pasta stuffed with cream, chocolate opanna, "Take off your fingers by 'i' nose," Do not put your fingers in the nose.
If you want to read the other previous posts, "click" under the post to the 'label'

Monday, June 15, 2009

Vaughn Goalie Pads For Sale

unearthed on the web ...

Hello friends of my blog ..
reported by a Facebook friend, I want to show a picture that has found him anywhere ...
Typing on the Google search engine, keywords
Tour of Italy 2009 Rome

marshes and selecting the section this is what

IMAGES appeared ....

A photo of me taken in Rome during the last stage of the Giro, which is the final time trial that saw the triumph of the Russian Denis Menchov ...
Together with Attila, founder of the Group of Marco Pantani's Pirates!
A nice surprise for me!
And a little satisfaction, because the title of the photo is
And the phrase already in itself says it all ....
the prox!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Happened To Revlon Skinlights

The story of how

The story mode is divided into decades. The timeline so that will be explored in this article include the 50's, 70's and 80's. Each of these decades has offered a unique collection of fabrics and design styles that have made them memorable fashion.

The way in 50 years has been greatly influenced by the conclusion of the fabric rations imposed during World War II. With the ability to use as much fabric as they wanted to fashion designers began to experiment with fuller skirts and share the most dramatic fashion. Christian Dior designer was significant during this era. One of his most popular designs of the coating was measured with the waistline and adjusted his shirt full length of the calf. Dior used between 10 and 80 yards to the equipment during the decade of the design. Other designers also experimented with fuller skirts, and thus a foundation skirt needed to be generated to support the weight of these parts. The materials were the most commonly used to generate a petticoat of support were made of paper and nylon netting bouffant.

The story of how he has continued to evolve in the 70's. During this era, the sexual revolution and the social revolutions of the 60's have spilled over in the 70 trends that affect the clothes of the decade. During this era clothes have used bold colors and geometric designs. The funk of Disco was also a design theme that has colored the way this time, including mini skirts, bell bottoms pants, suites of entertainment, hot pants and even platform shoes.

clothes 80s have continued to experiment with bold color and pattern choices. However, now the colors were neon colors ultra modern. Layering has also become a fashion trend that was popular with teens and young adults. The colored net petticoats from the 50's were now utilizzandi as a skirt rather than as a foundation garment. Workout clothes I also experienced a boom in popularity. Instead of being content as sweatshirts and sweat pants that have been brought only in the gym, workout clothes they have received a designer makeover and has become in everyday wear.